This one day workshop shows you how to create a robust business case.
Working through a case study you will prepare a draft business case, executive summary and plan for a public sector community initiative.
You will engage in individual and group work to create your business case, and prior to completing the workshop you will assess your business case against evaluation criteria indicating whether a realistic, value for money solution has been formulated.
The workshop will cover many areas of business case development in order to equip you with the knowledge needed to organise the development of your own real-world business cases.To support best practice we will reference public sector guidance from HM Treasury’s Green Book and the Welsh Government’s 5-case model supplement. Topics include:
- Describing the compelling need – setting SMART Investment Objectives
- What’s in it for us and the stakeholders? – Highlight the Benefits
- What could go wrong? – Risks, Constraints and Dependencies
- What is the scope of our initiative? – Developing Options
- Is it value for money? – Cost Benefit Analysis
- How will we engage with suppliers? – Procurement Strategy
- Can we really afford it? – Build a Financial Model
- How do we manage delivery? – Project Planning
- Putting it in a nutshell – Prepare an Executive Summary
Please register your interest here indicating whether you would like to attend a public event in St Albans or an in-house event at the location of your choosing.
Public events are priced at £345 + VAT per delegate. In-house events prices will offer some economies of scale if facilities are provided by the client.
Comments or questions are welcome.